Monday, March 2, 2009

Why Obama Took the Risk

Politico ran an excellent piece today entitled Budget Gamble: Why Obama Went Big In the article, author Mike Allen frames Obama's logic around the decision to drop this huge budget bomb, using the insights of people who work closely with the president.

The article itself is definitely worth the click, but the main argument for going big is that Obama will never have as much political capital as he has right now. He's still popular, and doesn't have any policy failures to his name yet. The country has their fingers crossed that the new president will be able to lead them out of the economic depression, and Obama is using the urgency of the depression to propose big policy changes much in the same way that George W. used 9/11 to implement major national security changes.

While Obama is leaving some of his critics bewildered, it seems he may actually be one step ahead of them. It might even be to Obama's advantage to have the pundits calling his big budget proposal a vulnerability because it lowers expectations.

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