Thursday, March 19, 2009

Gov. Schwarzenegger: "I'm partnering with the White House"

Governor Schwarzenegger gave Obama a warm welcome in his introductory remarks before a town hall meeting today in the Los Angeles area saying: "We are all here today to make it really clear we are partners in the fight to put people back to work."
The Governor also thanked Obama for his "courageous leadership" over the past few months, remarks that his more on-message Republicans colleagues -- who right now are channeling massive frustration with the administration -- may bristle at.
Schwarzenegger, a moderate Republican, has long been a political enigma, championing liberal causes such as statewide universal health care and massive environmental projects. He has also pushed back heavily on Democratic calls to raise taxes, and fought the state legislature tooth and nail during the budget deadlock, saying there weren't enough spending cuts to keep the state fiscally healthy as unemployment and deficits spiral out of control.
He was also an early proponent of the administration's stimulus plan and was an instrumental voice in the GOP, especially amongst other governors who're hungry for federal money to help keep their states afloat.
As it stands now, California will receive more federal money than any other state and the governor has vowed that the money will be put to work almost immediately to help curb the state's growing economic worries.

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