Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Primary Day in Chicago

Well with all the hoopla over Roland Burris that's going on these days and the calls on him to resign or at least not to run again in 2010, there's one open seat that has gone largely unnoticed recently, and that is the seat of former Congressman and current Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel. The Illinois 5th district, comprising much of Northern Chicago and some southern Cook County suburbs, represents one of the most Democratic leaning districts in the state and was also held by ex-governor Rod Blagojevich until his election to Governor in 2002, Emanuel had held the seat since then.
There's 12 Democrats running, 7 Republicans, and about 5 Green Party/Independent candidates and is the most wide open election in over 50 years, Richard Daley, the mayor and Chicago kingmaker, hasn't offered any open endorsement.
the General Election isn't until April 7th, but whoever wins the Democratic primary is automatically the front runner for winning the seat itself.
We'll let you know how it goes.

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