Friday, March 6, 2009

Democrats vs. Limbaugh continues

This past week democrats have ramped up their efforts to identify Rush Limbaugh as the face of the republican party. With all the other important issues at hand right now: the economic crisis, healthcare reform, etc., some may be wondering why the dems would even bother with this.

With the next big election only 19 months away (and in the minds of political strategists, the next big election is always just months away), the democrats are seeking to take advantage of the GOP identity crisis. Who is the face of the republican party right now? Well, the truth is that there isn't one, so why not Rush Limbaugh? The dems want to define the opposition before they get a chance to define themselves, and pushing the idea that a radio host is their party leader also implies that the GOP is in a state of serious disarray.

Newt Gingrich seems to be attempting to wage a comeback right now, but he's not exactly a fresh face and he hasn't held an elected office since the 90's. If I were Rush Limbaugh, I might counter the dems by naming who I thought was the new face of the GOP, but personally I think Rush Limbaugh just likes the attention...

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