Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The press conference reviews are in

Generally positive.
No news was made last night in my opinion, Obama did what he does best, and that is sell his agenda. He was able to deflect any criticism and pivot into his broader arguments, basically the same point he's been making since his address to congress last month: Investments in energy, education and health care as outlined in his budget, are paramount to the future fiscal health of the nation.
One thing I did notice, that got largely overlooked, is that Obama didn't call on one single financial reporter (Bloomberg, Wall Street Journal, etc.) This was perhaps intentional because he didn't want to answer any questions about Tim Geithners massive bank plan that was released Monday. The questions largely came from networks and were mostly sympathetic to the President's agenda. Dissenting questions from Fox News and The Washington Times didn't have any real steam behind them and focused on issues outside of the economy. (Stem Cell Research, really?)
Overall I'd give him a B, he didn't give the opposition much ammo, but he didn't do much to keep anyone's attention either, and many of his answers seemed long winded.

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