Thursday, March 19, 2009

Opposition to Tim Geithner mounts

Some Republicans, in an effort to put pressure on the White House, have been openly calling for Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner to be fired or resign.
This started yesterday when Florida Republican Connie Mack called on him to resign, after receiving knowledge that Geithner knew about those damn bloody AIG bonuses but did nothing to get out in front of them, causing a PR flap that has left the white house on the defensive.
This has caused a heated debate on both sides as the AIG debacle now bleeds into it's 5th day.
Today Senate Republicans have added their names to the list with both Sen. Jim Bunning of Kentucky and Sen. John Isaksen of Georgia calling on Geithner to resign.
Response from Democrats has also been lukewarm with a general consensus being that the young treasury secretary still needs time to perform. With Sen. Diane Feinstein of California saying "The jury is still out."
Still, Geithner may not be doing himself any favors today, where he basically fell on his sword in an interview with CNN. He claims full responsibility for the AIG bonuses, saying he pushed for them to be put in the stimulus to keep the government from facing lawsuits.
Also in the interview, however, Geithner claims that calls for his resignation are just "part of the job," and the effects of the recession will fade by the end of 2009.
Like many Americans now, he's hoping he still has a job by then.

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