Thursday, March 26, 2009

GOP releases their budget plan

The Republican House Leadership announced today that they're going to be releasing and circulating their budget plan, to counter the controversial budget released by the White House a few weeks ago.
Their counter-proposal is called "the Republican Road to Recovery" and is in stark contrast to the one announced by the Obama administration that is currently being dissected by democrats in congress.
To try and combat the ongoing criticism Republicans are facing that they are merely opposition for the sake of opposition, a party of "no," Rep. Mike Pence, chairman of the House Republican Conference said: “Welcome to the next installment of the party of yes: yes to better solutions. Yes to alternatives that will resonate with millions of Americans because they are grounded in the timeless values of personal responsibility.”
According to House Minority Whip Eric Cantor, the republican budget relies mostly on "tax relief" and "fiscal prudence" to help grow the economy and shrink the mounting budget deficits that are threatening to cripple the governments spending plans and threaten furthern economic recovery.
Being the minority party does have it's perks, as this demonstrates, the GOP don't neccessarily have to worry about getting the legislation actually passed through congress, but having a backup plan like this allows for loud "I told you so" moments if the democrats' plan fails later on.
No one has yet asked Obama if there are any specific plans he sees in the Republicans' budget that he believes are sound and would be willing to compromise on; but I think that question may come up sooner or later, especially if this plan gets more and more coverage, and whether the American people, after hearing about the benefits of tax cuts throughout the last administration, will buy into a plan that offers those same proposals.


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