Monday, March 23, 2009

Will the deficit sink Obama's budget?

The reason that Obama unleashed his multitude of grassroots supporters over the weekend was simply to sell his budget plans; a budget that, in plain terms, predicts quick economic recovery starting next year, raises taxes on wealthier citizens, curtails the mounting and unsustainable deficit gap, and heaps piles of federal money into new investments in education, health care and renewable energy.
However, the non-partisan congressional budget office predicts slower economic recovery and much bigger deficits than those outlined by the white house and democrats and republicans alike are girding their loins for what will be an epic and prolonged fight using the same classical arguments over government spending.
One thing Republicans may point out: why would Obama need to send out his volunteer army to sell his agenda, when he has overwhelming majorities at every level of government, and should easily be able to slide anything feasible through a friendly congress?

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