Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tea Party Demonstrations

The Republican party is gearing up to stage nationwide antitaxation demonstrations tomorrow. Dubbed "tea parties," these demonstrations are supposed to evoke the Boston Tea Party, and are meant to stir the pot in the national conversation regarding President Obama's plan to raise taxes on the nation's upper crust. Liberal columnist Paul Krugman wrote an interesting op-ed piece in today's NYTimes about tomorrow's event in which he basically calls the GOP a bunch of crazies.

In the midst of the tea party buzz, liberals are accusing the GOP of manufacturing the taxation outrage and calling the demonstrations an Astro Turf movement (meaning fake grass roots). We'll see how it all goes down tomorrow...

The GOP seems to be grasping at straws for a wedge issue. Last week there was a big push in the conservative media calling for the preservation of parental rights. However, the national conversation on parental seemed to promptly fizzle, perhaps this is the next attempt to get the right worked up about an issue?

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