Thursday, April 2, 2009

The house passes Obama's budget

While Obama is winning the hearts and minds of Europe, his congressional allies back home brought his administration a domestic win today as The House Of Representatives passed his ambitious budget by a partisan vote of 233-196.
The budget has been dominating congressional discussions lately and the white house staff have been working overtime lately to ensure it's passage before the spring recess next week, when a lot of crestfallen Representatives have to go home to their districts and explain themselves and their votes to a weary and beleaguered public tired of continuing bailouts of failing businesses, and lax oversight of banks profiting from continued federal assistance.
With talk of everything from health care reform to budget deficits, the debate has been lively, but last minute negotiations and political strongarming by Speaker Nancy Pelosi were able to secure the budget's last minute passage.
The administration now has to tackle the Senate, where this budget has few friends and Republicans and moderate Democrats have announced skepticism over the deficits and spending programs the budget outlines, with The Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad himself openly questioning many of the budgets own provisions.
Still, after weeks of domestic hostility, Obama can chalk today's vote up to a win, moments like this are few and far between for any administration, especially these days.

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