Friday, August 22, 2008

Bayh is not the guy

Ok, if I could figure how to add images in html I would post the sticker but it looks like the Obama-Bayh stickers printed in Kansas turned out to be a hoax.

So now, in the past few days we've heard it's Biden, then the WSJ reported that it was Tim Kaine, then we thought it might be Bayh. This is madness!

Oh yeah, and to stir the pot the NYTimes speculated today that Obama's veep choice could be this little-known Texas congressman.

When Obama does finally make his announcement, it better be good. With all the frenzy and the hype and excitement surrounding his pick for veep, it better be like the Dahlai Lama or Michael Phelps or somebody reall REALLY amazing.

And by the way, THANK YOU Onion, for printing this today.

PS: How irked do you think John McCain feels today?

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