Sunday, August 24, 2008

McCain to release new ad targeting Hillary's former supporters

McCain's campaign has made no secret this election that they will make a huge play for former supporters of Hillary Clinton, they've tried subtly over the past few months and are now doing the political equivelency of going all in.
Watching the political shows today, you can see that the McCain campaign's talking points are that the Obama campaign never really considered Hillary for veep and that he is "ignoring her historic candidacy," and is being "downright disrespectful," one spokeswoman from the McCain campaign even said Hillary supporters are feeling like they're "breaking up with the same boyfriend twice." Also saying Hillary supporters aren't going to "blindly flock to someone they know deep down is a rookie at best and has at every turn, snubbed and disrespected Senator Clinton and her historic candidacy and her millions of supporters."
Here is the transcript of the ad released today:

“She won millions of votes. But isn’t on his ticket. Why?” an announcer says in the 30-second spot.

The answer? “For speaking the truth.”

“You never hear the specifics,” Clinton says.

“On the Rezko scandal,” the voice says.

“We still don’t have a lot of answers about Senator Obama,” Clinton says in footage from the primaries.

“Senator Obama’s campaign has become increasingly negative,” Clinton says in another scene.

The announcer closes by saying “The truth hurt. And Obama didn’t like it.”

Now, who knows if this will actually work, it gives both Clintons the opportunity to really hit one out of the park this week at the convention and I think a lot of her supporters will be watching her very closely and paying attention to what she says and how she behaves more than they would McCain surrogates and campaign ads.
Obama has bent over backwards the past two months to make every convenience to the Clintons, it's more than a political neccessity. A lot of hatchets better be buried this week if the democrats want to win.
Obama has a true test of leadership this week and how the Clinton's are treated and how Hillary's supporters feel at the end of this week will probably decide the election in November.

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