Sunday, August 24, 2008

Politico says Obama and Clinton camps still going at it behind the scenes

It's a pretty good read, definitely worth the click

The media has been playing this story for three months and will probably play it right up until the election.
One of the things the story does note and that is reflected in a new CNN poll that will be released tomorrow: Obama's support amongst Hillary supporters has actually gone down since the primary ended in early June.
A fact that reinforces a point I reflected on in my post earlier today that how Obama runs this convention and how he treats the Clinton's will largely decide whether he wins in November or not.
No matter how much wind you have at your back, or what the political climate is, if his party is not completely unified and if he doesn't get at least 85% of the democratic vote, his historic candidacy will be over and the democrats will taste defeat once again.

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