Tuesday, August 19, 2008

VP picks, the media is wondering about Obama but I'm thinking about McCain

So, I know tongues are wagging right now over Obama's potentially announcing his VP choice as early as tomorrow. According to MSNBC this afternoon, Joe Biden says he's not the guy.

So since Obama's prospects are being well-covered by the media, I thought that I would give my prediction that I think John McCain will chose Meg Whitman as his VP pick. This first occurred to me when I was thinking about the way he spoke of her as one of the wisest people he knew at the Saddleback Church Forum last weekend. I think her credentials as a longtime CEO of Ebay would help alleviate voters' concerns over McCain's knowledge of the economy in the same way that others have predicted McCain should chose Mitt Romney for VP. And unlike Mitt Romney, I think Meg Whitman would have a better shot of pealing away some of the remaining jilted Hillary Clinton supporters who were crushed that they wouldn't be seeing a woman in the White House.

So there, that's my prediction. I guess we'll know for sure on August 29th.

Oh, and who knows whether Joe Lieberman will be McCain's VP pick but someone over at the Associated Press seems to think that Lieberman is a prick.

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