Thursday, August 14, 2008

Obama Nation

The media buzz is getting louder over Jerome Corsi's anti-Obama book, Obama Nation. The same author who skewered John Kerry with Unfit For Command in 2004 is back with a vengeance, and this time his painting Barack Obama as a radical liberal with a secret islamic agenda. In response, Obama's campaign has posted a report entitled Unfit For Publication on the candidate's official website to discredit the author and his book. 

The timing on this book was impeccable. In the past two weeks election coverage has slowed down while the media turns their focus to the olympic games. Surely Corsi's sensational book will drive news coverage of Obama in the next few weeks as the book picks up more momentum.

Even if Corsi's book does drive the upcoming news cycle, my feeling is that he won't get as far making outrageous accusations about Obama the way he did with John Kerry -- his credibility took a major hit today when  the NYTimes published an article linking the author to statements he made in support of 9/11 conspiracy theories

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