Friday, August 22, 2008

It's just so good. . .

Every single media outlet in the country is waiting for. . .a text message.

Watching the media flail and furrow their brows and speculate and pontificate and deliberate has got to be satisfying to, well anyone that likes watching the 8 headed hydra that is the media, say things like "well, you know, right now we just don't know anything."
Obama is getting pretty much 100% of the mainstream coverage right now with CNN and MSNBC posting round the clock live feeds outside of the homes of people that, well, they themselves have reported are among the "finalists" to be picked as his running mate.
Another stinger was that Robert Gibbs, the campaign's communication director said on Monday that the announcement could come as "soon as Wednesday," putting precious drops of blood in the shark tank that caused a frenzy few have ever seen. The fact that the Obama campaign has always planned to announce Friday night or Saturday was just the latest in the campaigns brilliant manipulation of the media that would make any Republican insane with envy.
The most ironic thing about the "veepstakes" I think, is that as soon as it's announced, there will be a collective "Oh, that's it?" From most pundits and it will be business as usual until the election.

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