Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The political horserace heats up with differing opinions

Kos says everyone needs to calm down and stop worrying

Meanwhile. . .

Robert Arena says we should be very worried

The opinion of this blogger is that the recent numbers are definitely troubling for Obama, but even though he's seen his numbers slip due to an onslaught by Republicans it could also be that McCain has caught on more to the average voter than the media will give him credit for.
I would like to see some polls after the two conventions and after Obama has been able to hit the road more over the next couple weeks, plus they'll both have VP's to do most of the attack work while the candidates themselves generally take the high road.
PLUS, more troubling for Obama I think would be This! Sirens are going off in Chicago as Obama falls behind in the electoral map for the first time since he became the nominee starting out at a potential of 322 electoral votes in June, down to now 264 based on most recent state polling.

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