Friday, August 29, 2008

Meet Sarah Palin

McCain's pick for VP, Sarah Palin, is a bit of a dark horse. Timothy Egan of the NYTimes, wrote this interesting bio on her today.

In the days ahead, many questions will be stirring in MediaLand. Why did McCain pick a VP with so little experience when lack of experience seems to be his opponent's Achilles heel? Will women who were thinking of voting for McCain after Hillary didn't get the nom really go for a woman who doesn't agree with Clinton on a single issue? Does McCain expect women voters to base their vote solely on an appeal to gender? Does McCain's choice for VP show that he's still a maverick or is he caving to pressure from his conservative base to pick a very conservative running mate?

I'd like to know more about Sarah Palin. Timothy Egan's article is a good start and he makes a very interesting point that if some americans consider Hawaii to be a too exotic locale, what will they think of Alaska? Make way for jokes about seal harpoons hanging in the White House...

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