Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Watching the DNC convention

I'm sitting in front of the tv waiting for Joe Biden to speak. Earlier this evening I watched Bill Clinton. Surprisingly, NBC News chose to broadcast from the DNC but didn't show Clinton's speech on the 6PM news. So I watched Bill Clinton's speech on C-SPAN and I thought he did a great job. He made the excellent point that he too was criticized for being too young and inexperienced back in 1992. However, I didn't think Bill Clinton came close to stealing Hillary's thunder from last night. In my opinion, her speech has been the highlight of the convention so far.

One thing I noticed watching C-SPAN is that for all the speculation that Hillary Clinton is bitter and her support of Obama is half-hearted, she sure looks like she's having a lot of fun when they pan out and show her sitting in the audience with her family.

And one more thing, I am sorry to admit it but I turned the tv off and went up the street to get ice cream during John Kerry. I watched the beginning of the speech and he is STILL so wooden and monotone and boring to watch that I didn't think I'd miss much. Personally, I think he should have had a drink before he went out on stage to loosen him up...

15 minutes till Joe Biden!!!

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