Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day Weekend Round-Up

The GOP Convention started today with the announcement that no political speeches would be made because of Hurricane Gustav. Laura Bush and Cindy McCain pulled out the first lady schtick and urged attendees to donate what time and money they could to help those affected by the hurricane. Barack Obama also refrained from making any political statements today due to the hurricane.

So the big news of the weekend is that Sarah Palin's 17 year old daughter Bristol is five months pregnant. The McCain campaign claims that they knew of the pregnancy before Palin was selected for VP but the news was no less than a surprise to the american public. It will be interesting to see how the media treats the story in the next few days. Media reports and the blogosphere has been abuzz with harsh criticism of Palin since her nomination, this teen pregnancy story could be more fuel for the fire.

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