Saturday, September 6, 2008

McCain campaign will probably run out the clock on Sarah Palin media access

Politico has a good article up about the lack of serious media access to Palin.
Despite the fact that her face adorns the new issues of Time, Newsweek, The New Republic, The Weekly Standard, People, and US Weekly, not a single one of these publications was granted an exclusive, issues oriented interview for their story. Most of the articles used quotes from friends, or statements from the McCain campaign and what seems to have become standard Palin boilerplate about her biography and brief tenure as governor of Alaska.
Although this seems like a good strategy in theory, I don't doubt that the McCain campaign would just not give the national press their chance at the candidate, hoping to avoid gaffes or mistakes that could haunt McCain this close to the election. It's very dangerous to allow a national political figure to be defined by a skeptical press, however, and not by the candidates own words. A frustrated national press, kept at arms length, and blamed for everything from twisting facts to sexism, will likely not be very warm with their words.
Liberal blogger Jed Lewison take it a step further, posting the Sarah Palin no comment watchwhich gives a running real time chronicle of how long Palin has been the Republican vice presidential running mate and and will "keep the clock running until she sits down for her first serious issue interview broadcast on television."

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