Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Palin speech reception polarized along party lines

My analysis right now based on what I've seen and heard in regard to Palin's speech tonight is that if you're a Republican you thought it was great and if you're a Democrat you thought it was so-so. Although she isn't an extremely engaging speaker, and went a little long, (which allowed the attacks to become a little eye rolling after a while) I would say she did pretty good, and gave all of her critics little fodder to play with. ( Although anyone who uses a VP acceptance speech to criticize the media could use some work.)
Republican insiders and bloggers are drooling at the context and presentation of Palin's speech, which was biting and forceful, yet humble and resiliant. Republicans think it was nothing less than a knock out of the park, and are fired up over their little-known and embattled VP nominee.
Democrats, who probably found her boring after the fire and spunk shown in Denver last week, will say it was nothing more than a double that tried to get stretched into a triple.

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