Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sarah Palin's Speech

Last night Sarah Palin officially introduced herself to Americans as the GOP's vice-presidential nominee. As was already mentioned, her speech has been met with mixed reviews.

Personally, I thought she came off as too folksy and not sophisticated enough to potentially lead the country. If critics of John McCain have pronounced him too unserious, Sarah Palin only highlights this perceived flaw. Her shout out to her husband's snowmobile racing hobby, the hockey mom = pitbull in lipstick joke, and her anecdotes about the PTA were all too cringe-worthy for me.

Sarah Palin is no Hillary Clinton, she's a total lightweight. Hillary Clinton is a serious politician and would have never tried to cute it up for the American public. Joe Biden is going to cream Sarah Palin in the debates.

Watching this speech just kept me wondering over and over again, "Why didn't McCain choose Condoleezza Rice?"

This race is on!

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